Friday, November 30, 2007

Case Projects on Chapter 3

1. Fiber-optic leaves more room for growth, and for future needs for increased band-width, than thinnet does.
2. The proposed solution delivers the required results and only one of the two optional desired results because fiber-optic is safe from electronic eavesdropping but it is expensive.
3. The proposed solution delivers the required result and both of the optional desired result because Category 5 UTP is easy to install and inexpensive.
4. The proposed solution delivers the required results and only one of two the optional desired results because as a wireless network it is already secure from electronic eavesdropping but $2500 a month, excluding air-time charges and encryption fees, is already expensive.
5. The proposed solution delivers the required results and only one of the two optional desired results because a point-to-point infrared laser wireless bridges is not secure from electromagnetic inteference.

Case Projects on Chapter 2

1. I'll try to answer this next time, bahala na late.

Case Projects on Chapter 1

1. XYZ Corporation currently employs eight people but plans to hire 10 more in the next four months. Users will work on multiple projects, and only those users assigned to any one project should have access to the project files. You're instructed to set up the network to make it easy to manage and back up. Would you choose a peer-to-peer, a server-based, or a combination network? Why?
Answer: I would choose a server-based network so that all the clients can easily access the server where they can share there files. Unlike the peer-to-peer network, where those who are not allowed to access the project files can still access it.
2. Widgets, Inc., hired you as a productivity consultant. Currently, they employ six people who routinely exchange information via sneakernet. They want the cheapest possible solution and only minimal training for employees. Individual employees also must be able to control resources on their own machines. Would you choose a peer-to-peer, a server-based, or a combination network? Why?
Answer: I would choose peer-to-peer network so that the employees can easily share there training lessons to each other and by this network, they can have comtrol on there own machines.
3. American Tool and Die operates two machine shops, one in Towson, Maryland, and the other in Beltsville, Maryland. The company wants the two locations to share a single databse, so that managers at each facility can exchange work orders and monitor inventory on demand. Individual users need some control over individual resources, but they also want network faxing and dial-in services at each location. Would you choose a peer-to-peer, a server-based, or a combination network? Why?
Answer: I would choose a combination network, peer-to-peer network for the control of individual users of their individual resources and the server-based for the sharing of files.
4. What kind of specialized servers do you need to install at American Tool and Diet based on the information presented in the previous Case Project?
Answer: Application servers, communication servers, fax servers, web servers

Monday, November 26, 2007

Welcome Me!!!

Hello guys, gotta have a new blogger again for Sir Dumaguin's subject CS 324 Computer Networks..I dont have my assignment yet so mao lang sa ni akong i-post..Welcome sa mga new members!!!